Jumat, 10 Mei 2019


Hello friends, do you still like cooking, and still like culinary. Bararti is perfect for you in this blog, because in this blog I will invite you to try and keep trying unique and interesting recipes.

This time we will focus more on dishes that use garlic spices. I am quite interested in garlic spiced food. Savory copy of this food has a distinctive aroma and is very tasty.


  •  3 tbsp butter
  •  6 cloves garlic minced
  •  1 tbsp low sodium soy sauce
  •  1/2 tsp garlic powder
  •  1 tbsp canola oil or olive oil
  •  1 lb sirloin steak cut into bite size pieces
  •  salt to taste
  •  1 tbsp parsley chopped
  •  4 large zucchini spiralized


  1. In a small saucepan, and butter and garlic. Cook over low medium heat until butter is melted and garlic starts to brown and the flavor of the garlic is infused with the butter. Stir in the garlic powder and soy sauce. Taste and adjust as needed. Set aside.
  2. Add the canola oil to a large cast iron skillet and bring to high heat. When oil is hot, add in the steak.
  3. Cook steak about 1-2 minutes on each side, letting them develop a golden sear before flipping them. Lightly season steak with salt as needed. (Keep in mind that the sauce will add sodium to the steak). 
  4. When steak is almost finished cooking, pour two-thirds of the garlic butter sauce over the steak. Stir steak until it is cooked and evenly coated in sauce. Garnish with parsley.
  5. Remove steak from pan and divide into meal prep containers.
  6. Using the same pan (and keeping in any remaining sauces from the steak and sauce), add in the zucchini noodles and remaining garlic butter sauce. Stir zucchini noodles until they are fully cooked. Season with salt as needed. Drain water from zucchini noodles and then add to meal prep containers.

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